Maya’s Legacy: Honoring Maya Cow and Our Work on Her Behalf

Maya cow receiving love from a human visitor

Maya’s Legacy: Honoring Maya Cow and Our Work on Her Behalf

In December of 1987 — 35 years ago — Farm Sanctuary brought together 600 animal advocates at Lancaster Stockyards in Pennsylvania to demonstrate against the atrocities perpetrated against animals there.

It was there that we found Maya. No one else had wanted her: She was ailing from a joint infection and lay huddled in a corner behind a gate, barely able to move.

Maya was a freemartin — a female calf born with a male twin, which typically leaves females infertile. Since Maya couldn’t become pregnant, she couldn’t make milk or be “useful” to the dairy industry. She would have been left to die or slaughtered for meat.

Maya was our first cow rescue. Once she was in our care, we brought her to a veterinarian who treated her infection and helped her regain strength. She grew up and matured into a respected herd leader. Maya was a doting mother figure to the herd, nurturing generations of rescued calves into adulthood. She lived for 22 years — more than four times as long as most mother cows in the dairy industry.

Before her rescue, Maya was what the industry termed a “downed” calf — she couldn’t stand or walk on her own. After years of advocacy efforts through our No Downers campaign, we achieved a nationwide ban on the slaughter of downed cattle in 2004. Maya and other downed calves’ stories were crucial in raising public awareness of the suffering these animals face, and the beautiful lives they could lead if given a chance.

We created Maya’s Legacy Society to expand our lifesaving work in her honor. Members of this group are generous supporters who bequest assets to Farm Sanctuary in their wills and estate plans, ensuring their legacy of love lives on.

To mark Maya’s 35th rescue anniversary, we asked some of our Legacy Society members to share why they joined and how they hope to support a more just and compassionate world for all beings.

Wendy H.

Wendy H. at Farm Sanctuary

I have been an animal lover since I was a child but it wasn’t until I was in my early 20s that I became a vegetarian. Farm Sanctuary was one of the first organizations I joined when I began to explore my “radical” new lifestyle choice (I grew up in central Ohio; not really a hotbed of animal activism at the time). When I first visited the Watkins Glen sanctuary … it was like the best day ever. I’d never met any cattle, pigs, sheep, or turkeys before and it was the most joyful experience. I still feel that same joy when I visit now – 25+ years later. I decided to join Maya’s Legacy Society as a way to honor who I am – and who I’ve always been – and the many awesome ways Farm Sanctuary and its residents have enriched my life.

Jeann & Mark D.

Jeann & Mark D. at Farm Sanctuary

When we first visited the farm, we instantly fell in love. We love everything and everyone at the farm so much that we keep coming back! We excitedly look forward to our visits every year and just feel so lucky that we can go to the farm and see all the animals and our farmie friends.

We first heard of the Legacy Society when Jeann volunteered for a screening of the documentary Peaceable Kingdom. Rue McClanahan, the chair of the Legacy Society at that time, was there at the event. Her article about the Legacy Society in a Farm Sanctuary newsletter is what inspired us to join and we’re so glad we did. When friends ask why we have made this choice, we say we can’t think of a more worthwhile organization to support. In doing this, we will help educate more people in the future. Just by being members of the Legacy Society, we are reaching out and letting people know about Farm Sanctuary. It feels great knowing that, as Legacy Society members, we are doing what we can to help ensure that the farm will always be here for future generations.

Jeann & Mark D. at Farm Sanctuary

Liz L.

Liz L.

I reflect on my 40th birthday, spent at Farm Sanctuary. What joy it brings to lay in the hay and hug a beautiful, warm sleeping pig! She was so content, with dozens of her friends cozied along side her, safe, protected. At Farm Sanctuary, animals are given a life of peace and dignity. People become educated. On a very base level, the one commonality we all desire is that of love and safety.

Every living creature deserves nothing less. I encourage people to go visit this remarkable place. It will rejuvenate your sense of faith and hope.

Kirsten S.

Kirsten S. with sheep

I became aware of Farm Sanctuary through my mother, who several years ago gifted me their beautiful glassware and also adopted a turkey in my name. After my mother passed away in November 2021 and I having decided not to have children of my own, I wanted my money to make a positive difference in the lives of animals. My heart breaks when an animal is sad, hurt or mistreated. Three years ago I became a vegetarian as I cannot imagine harming an animal so I can eat a meal. Farm Sanctuary and Maya’s Legacy Society are a true blessing, taking on the meaningful work of saving animals in grim situations, and showing them hope and love supersedes all. I’m honored to have my contribution make it possible for more animals to live the safe, happy, and peaceful life they deserve. I’m filled with gratitude to Maya and to Farm Sanctuary, for teaching us what caring and perseverance can achieve.

Kirsten S. with sheep

Elliot R.

Elliot R. at Farm Sanctuary

My initial connection to FS came through my wonderful (late) wife Rena Roseman, a huge FS fan. When I saw firsthand FS’ vital work, combined with their public commitment to eliminating animal cruelty and establishing a just relationship with these fellow earthlings, I was hooked. For me, the environmental and climate benefits of ending factory farming are a bonus, since my work involves accelerating clean energy.

I also want my investments to reflect my values, and so it was an easy decision to include FS in my estate plans. Rena had done this, and through managing her donation, I came to know that FS is an excellent steward of its resources, and can deploy them effectively for both its sanctuaries and policies. By contributing to FS every year, and in my estate, I know that I will have a long-term impact for animals, for kindness, and for the planet.

Debbie D.

Paul and Deb

We bought our farm not knowing there would be so many feral chickens here, and we are thrilled to have them. There are so many places to get help for dogs and cats but farm animals, particularly chickens, are seen as food and not pets. Never on our farm! They dig, scratch, eat bugs and provide endless entertainment. We have been working with Farm Sanctuary since reading about their rescue of abandoned chickens in central California. They are open about their business and accountable about their operations. We see no better place to leave our legacy than with Farm Sanctuary, for the care of the animals most often ignored.

Paul and Deb

Dick & Kim P.

Dick and Kim

Farm Sanctuary is the ideal organization to advance education and understanding of the advantages of a plant-based diet. Kim and I lived in upstate New York for 21 years and got acquainted with Farm Sanctuary through a chance visit to the farm in Watkins Glen after we became vegetarians in 2002. We were immediately taken by the way each animal is treated as an individual with its own name and cared for with compassion and respect. We love that Farm Sanctuary is singularly focused on advancing farm animal care and protection through individual choices to adopt a plant-based diet.

We think Farm Sanctuary’s approach to not condemn or shame people for their habits, but celebrate any steps a person takes to reduce animal products in their diet is wonderful. Too many people that may want to move to a plant-based diet get turned off by the preaching and shaming that some organizations employ. The animals at the farm are the salespersons for the cause … and they do a wonderful job!!! Each time we visit our choice to support Farm Sanctuary is affirmed both because of the wonderful residents and the incredibly compassionate and helpful staff. Once we became familiar it was an easy decision to become a monthly sustaining giver. Farm Sanctuary is one of our top 3 philanthropic choices. In addition to our support while we are living, being able to leave a gift as part of Maya’s Legacy Society at our passing is an important way to continue the work of this wonderful organization. If someone supports Farm Sanctuary, I cannot think of a better way to advance its mission than by leaving a part of one’s estate to support their work. We love Farm Sanctuary because of what it does and how it does it!

Sally U.

Sally with turkey friend

I was among the crowd at Farm Sanctuary’s 1988 protest against the now defunct Lancaster Stockyards. In my yard is a paving stone from that hellish place, bearing a portrait of dear Hilda sheep, the Sanctuary’s first rescue. Visits to the farm have strengthened my commitment to a vegan lifestyle. Volunteering with and donating to organizations committed to the welfare of farmed, domestic, and wild animals have enriched my life – although nothing can displace my horror at the continuing abuse of our kindred creatures. As a bulwark against the abuse of animals called “food,” Farm Sanctuary is a principal and beloved beneficiary in my will.

Sally with turkey friend

Deb M.

Deb cooking

Animals give me hope for a better world. Even in the face of abject cruelty animals are resilient and loving. The work started at Farm Sanctuary is unparalleled. Where most people turn a blind eye to the horrors of factory farming, Gene Baur and the others at Farm Sanctuary decided to make a difference by focusing on animals as the individual, sentient beings that they are. I believe that this is the key to helping people move into a more compassionate way of thinking about animals and how people relate to animals. Instead of placing blame and making people feel guilty, Farm Sanctuary provides programs to meet people where they are so that everyone feels welcome to participate in this sphere – which is new for most people. I love the educational programs that are provided to school age children, the research that is being done to foster a greater understanding about animals as complex, thinking individuals and I love the new program that fosters community leaders who are engaging their communities about plant based eating. I can’t think of a better or more deserving organization.

Barbara G.

RJ dog in his plaid coat

I became a fan of Farm Sanctuary many years ago when I saw the kind of work they were doing, with all sorts of animals – how they loved and nurtured them (like Maya) and saved as many as possible from certain death or a life of misery. I am a huge animal lover (especially dogs), my ancestors were from Vermont (which has more cows than people), and I have been a vegetarian for 44 years. Farm Sanctuary not only helps all these animals but reaches out with invitations to visitors at their two sanctuaries and wonderful videos of what life is like for their lucky residents. The more we help them, the more animals they can rescue. Good work, Farm Sanctuary! We are all grateful!

Daniel & Lillian M.

Farm Sanctuary gives animals the freedom to live their lives in the way they deserve, plus promotes plant-based diets and compassion for all animals. For people to be able to interact with the animals in person gives them further insight into how important it is to help all animals.

Each time we receive a Farm Sanctuary update or watch a webinar it reinforces how important Farm Sanctuary is and how they need continued support. Watching the Celebration for the Turkeys is always heartwarming, along with seeing photos of our sponsored animals. We have been supporters of Farm Sanctuary for many years and are honored to be a small part of helping so many animals have quality lives for years to come.

Denise & Kyle D.

If moral progress can be judged by the way we treat animals (a quotation often attributed to Mahatma Gandhi), we have a long way to go. Every day, millions of farm animals are abused and consumed. By adopting and promoting plant-based diets, electing government officials who are willing to sponsor laws and support regulations aimed at reducing animal exploitation and improving the environment, and by giving to organizations who rescue, advocate, and educate on behalf of all sentient beings, we can create a more compassionate, moral world. This is why we annually support Farm Sanctuary and are proud members of Maya’s Legacy Society.

Linda H.

I was feeling very unfulfilled at my job. I felt like I was just a cog in a wheel. All too often, I think we equate our sense of purpose and self-worth with our jobs. Including Farm Sanctuary in my estate plans completely changed that for me. It gave me an incentive; a purpose. No, I never fulfilled my childhood dream of becoming a veterinarian. But if my work on this Earth somehow benefits animals, and the work that Farm Sanctuary does on their behalf, that is what is most important.