Farm Sanctuary pursues bold solutions to end animal agriculture and foster just and compassionate vegan living. Unfortunately, over the last 50 years, animal meat consumption by the average person in the U.S. has grown by more than 25%. We pursue systems-level solutions to significantly reduce the number of farmed animals and build the good for all of us: humans, non-human beings, and our shared environment.
To “build the good” across the food system, we have to shift the Farm Bill. Set to spend more than $700 billion over the next 5 years, the “farm” part of the Farm Bill makes factory farming possible. It provides the credit, subsidy, legal, and regulatory structure that benefits Big Ag and hurts nearly all of us: farmers, workers, families, communities, farmed animals, and the environment. Right now, the Farm Bill is a factory farm bailout. But it could be a building block for food system transformation.