Watch What Happens When This Rescue Goat Reunites with Friends

Two goats at Farm Sanctuary

Watch What Happens When This Rescue Goat Reunites with Friends

Rufus missed his besties while he was sick. Our hearts melted when he saw them again for the first time after more than two months.

Today, his caregivers say that Rufus is a sweet guy who has made himself at home at Farm Sanctuary, getting along with everyone. It’s hard to believe that he once needed a herd where he fit in, but here’s his story…

In 2022, we rescued Rufus and his three gal pals, Marzipan, Junco, and Kazoo—along with two sheep named Oboe and Sprocket and a goat named Sniglet, who has since passed away. We placed them in a home within our Farm Animal Adoption Network (FAAN), and there, they lived happily for two years until the adopter’s changing circumstances and health challenges within the goat herd meant that a new home was needed.

Our friends at Odd Man Inn Animal Refuge (OMI) in Tennessee suspected that the herd had treatment-resistant parasites, which further complicated things, as the goats should not be on pasture. Thankfully, OMI could take in two other goats, Edmund and Duncan, from the herd. When they saw that Rufus urgently needed medical attention, they knew they had to help him, too. OMI rushed the three goats to the University of Tennessee, where Rufus needed the most extensive support and care.

“Rufus was dying from emaciation and critical anemia,” says Wendy Smith, Co-Founder and Executive Director at OMI. “We had to race him to the University of Tennessee, where doctors gave him an emergency blood transfusion. It was very high-level vet care, and they weren’t sure Rufus could pull through.”

Once the goats went to OMI, it became clear that Rufus missed his lady friends and would feel most at home with Marzipan, Junco, and Kazoo.

Rufus goat at Farm Sanctuary in Los Angeles

So, Rufus still needed his forever friends. Goats are social animals, playful, curious, and emotionally complex. Just like us, they have pals they prefer to spend time with, and their herd is vitally important to them! 

Because of the grounds at Farm Sanctuary Los Angeles, parasites would be less of an issue, so we knew that once Rufus was recovered enough to join his original herd, he could start living his best life with us. We quickly made a transport plan to bring Marzipan, Junco, and Kazoo (and eventually Rufus) goats to our California site—and the two sheep, Oboe and Sprocket, to Farm Sanctuary New York in June 2024. We’re thankful that Rufus could remain in OMI’s care until he was cleared to travel out of state.

Our deepest gratitude goes to OMI for all of their hard work, dedication, and compassion that saved Rufus and to the University of Tennessee for all of their extensive veterinary care. Working across sanctuaries, organizations, and our movement allows more animals like Rufus to get a second chance at the life they deserve.

Close-up of rescue goat in transport trailer

 Rufus before coming to Farm Sanctuary. Photo: Odd Man Inn Animal Refuge.

It was a cross-country journey and a cross-team effort. In July, OMI staff brought Rufus to Arkansas, where some of our team from Farm Sanctuary Los Angeles brought him the rest of the way home.

It’s hard to predict how animals will react when seeing each other after a long time and in a new environment—but Rufus’ reunion was far sweeter than we ever could have imagined. 

Three rescued goats nuzzle as they reunite

Our hearts melted as he and his friends were overjoyed at the familiar sight of each other’s faces. Rufus’ friends gathered around to greet him, and it was clear that he finally felt right at home.

Goats greeting each other as they reunite at Farm Sanctuary
Rufus goat lays near tree at Farm Sanctuary LA

While Rufus has many friends now, he’s still especially bonded with Marzipan. He enjoys lounging under the trees with his friends, engaging in treat activities like snuffle mats, and getting pets from his caregivers. He gets daily medication for arthritis to keep him comfortable, but he seems happy and is clearly very loved by all who meet him.

Watch Rufus and his friends’ sweet reunion below. If you feel inspired to help us give more farm animals a second chance at a happy and safe life, please support Farm Sanctuary’s work today.