Denver Could Become the First U.S. City to Ban Slaughterhouses

Reuben sheep at Farm Sanctuary

Denver Could Become the First U.S. City to Ban Slaughterhouses

Pledge to Ban Slaughterhouses

Denver residents: Pledge to vote yes on Initiated Ordinance 309, an important slaughterhouse ban that will set a precedent for other U.S. cities.

This November, Denver, Colorado voters will have an opportunity to set an important precedent by passing Initiated Ordinance 309, shuttering the nation’s largest industrial lamb slaughterhouse with a citywide abattoir ban.

In our highly industrialized food system, slaughterhouses harm animals, workers, communities, and our planet. This ballot initiative is an opportunity to help reduce this devastation.

What Is Initiated Ordinance 309 & Why Does It Matter?

Known more commonly as the Denver slaughterhouse ban, Initiated Ordinance 309 would phase out industrial slaughterhouses citywide by January 1, 2026.

The closure of this facility would have a significant and immediate impact on farmed animals.

Initiated Ordinance 309 would prevent the killing of over 300,000 young sheep every year by shuttering Superior Farms’ Denver lamb slaughterhouse.

Furthermore, the production of lamb meat as a whole is environmentally destructive, with a massive carbon footprint similar to that of beef—and Superior Farms’ Denver plant, in particular, has a long history of environmental harm. Just this month, Superior Farms settled allegations from the Environmental Protection Agency that it had violated the Clean Air Act at its Denver plant.

The highly populated area of Globeville, where the slaughterhouse lies, is a majority Latine neighborhood, and its residents are most directly impacted by the environmental racism perpetuated by this facility.

What You Can Do as a Denver Resident

Like all farmed animals, sheep are socially and emotionally complex animals who deserve to be treated with kindness. This initiative represents a rare and historic opportunity to vote for compassion over cruelty and to set a humane precedent.

Farm Sanctuary supports Initiated Ordinance 309 and urges Denver residents to vote yes on this groundbreaking measure, which will help mitigate the harms of factory farming to animals, people, and the planet.

By voting YES on Initiated Ordinance 309, Denver residents will vote for a kinder and more sustainable future.