He, like so many others, started life on a dairy—where females grow up to produce milk for profit, but where males have no place. Typically, farmers sell these boys, who have no economic value to them, at auction for veal or beef; Dixon’s “owners,” on the other hand, deemed him worthless, and offered the little calf on Craigslist free of charge. Thanks to one kind rescuer, Dixon now lives at Farm Sanctuary—a place where we see all lives as priceless. Here, this calf saved from an “ordinary” fate now has an extraordinary life ahead of him.
About half of all calves born into the dairy industry are male; that makes hundreds of thousands of babies killed years before their time—and Dixon could have been one of them. There’s no telling what might have happened had he wound up in the wrong hands; anyone could have taken him, and most would rejoice in obtaining a free meal. Thankfully, Casandra found Dixon when she did, and quickly removed him from harm’s way.