Adopt a Farm Animal

David Bowie

David Bowie

Adopt a Farm Animal

David Bowie


David Bowie

Rescue Date

August 18, 2018


Farm Sanctuary, California

David Bowie and Rod Stewart were once at a shelter in Pasadena, California, where, far from the spotlight, they waited for a forever home.

Little did we know when we rescued these two handsome roosters that they would one day have many adoring fans—humans and birds alike—and become charming ambassadors for chickens like them.

David Bowie has recently taken his spot at the top of our flock at our Los Angeles sanctuary. He has groupies, too, and as soon as he wakes up each morning, he likes to chase the hens around the aviary. By midday, it’s time to settle in for his favorite snack: salad. David Bowie is a bold leader who reminds the other birds precisely who is the headliner around here. With that rockstar hairdo of his, who could forget it?

Adopt David Bowie

By participating in the Adopt a Farm Animal Program, you’ll help provide the necessary support to care for David Bowie and defend all farm animals against cruelty.

David Bowie