Adopt a Farm Animal


Lisa Goose

Adopt a Farm Animal




Rescue Date

September 26, 2022


Farm Sanctuary, New York

Lisa was one of three geese found with their legs cruelly chained to a fence and their wings harmed so they could not fly away—but at Farm Sanctuary, she has the freedom she deserves.

Lisa came to our Watkins Glen, New York shelter with her friends Deborah and Tracey after the local SPCA and Humane Long Island rescued them from a backyard egg farm. This bonded trio remains inseparable and an inspiring example of the healing friendships formed by farmed animals. 

Today, Lisa goose is healthy and thriving. She prefers the company of other geese over humans, so we allow her the autonomy to keep her distance from us as much as possible. She and Deborah are best buddies, but Lisa also chooses to hang out with Caribou and Cedar geese. These feathered friends enjoy their pond together and love lounging by the water as a big group.

Adopt Lisa

By participating in the Adopt a Farm Animal Program, you’ll help provide the necessary support to care for Lisa and defend all farm animals against cruelty.

Lisa Goose