Adopt a Farm Animal


Tutu turkey

Adopt a Farm Animal




Rescue Date

December 18, 2019


Farm Sanctuary, New York


Curious and bold

Favorite Pastime

Interacting with people and her flock

Tutu was nearly slaughtered for a holiday meal.

She’s a Broad Breasted White, the most common turkey breed raised for meat in the United States. She was also detoed and slightly debeaked — standard procedures on factory farms to prevent birds from wounding each other in response to their unnatural confinement. Most turkeys are killed between 14 and 18 weeks; meanwhile, they can live eight years or more.

An art student rescued Tutu to spare her from this fate. She housed the young turkey in her studio and planned to feature her in a project about freeing turkeys for the holiday season. School officials wouldn’t let Tutu stay on-site but suggested that the student reach out to New York City’s Wild Bird Fund for assistance. They took Tutu in, provided temporary care, and then asked if we could welcome her to Farm Sanctuary.

Here, Tutu is a social and curious bird who loves exploring with her turkey friends — and interacting with her human ones! Despite a rough start, she’s a vibrant member of her flock who’s enjoying this second chance at life.


Adopt Tutu

By participating in the Adopt a Farm Animal Program, you’ll help provide the necessary support to care for Tutu and defend all farm animals against cruelty.

Tutu Turkey