
Donor-Advised Fund (DAF)


Donor-Advised Fund (DAF)

Donor-advised funds help maximize your tax benefits while allowing your charitable dollars to make a long-term impact.

If you have an account with a charitable sponsor, make a grant today with our Federal EIN# 51-0292919. Distributions can be directed to:

Farm Sanctuary, Inc.
3100 Aikens Road
Watkins Glen, NY 14891

Please ask your DAF representative to include your name and address on the distribution so we can thank you for your generosity and send you updates on the progress your support makes possible.

You can easily make a donor-advised fund gift online with just a few clicks:

For questions or gift notifications, please contact [email protected].


If you have an account with a charitable DAF sponsor, please make a grant today with our Federal EIN# 51-0292919. Distributions can be directed to Farm Sanctuary, Inc.:

Farm Sanctuary, Inc.
3100 Aikens Road
Watkins Glen, NY 14891

Please ask your DAF representative to include your name and address so we can express our gratitude for your generosity and send you updates on the impact we are making with your support.

If you have questions, please contact [email protected].

Click here to learn more about how you can leave a legacy by naming Farm Sanctuary as a beneficiary of your DAF.

  1. To establish the fund, an individual makes an irrevocable tax-deductible contribution (cash, stock, real estate, etc.) to a sponsoring organization, community foundation or financial institution. Individuals receive a tax receipt and tax benefits when funds are deposited into their DAF.
  2. The DAF sponsoring organization oversees those funds as they grow tax free.
  3. The assets within the fund now legally belong to the sponsoring organization but the DAF account holder retains advisory privileges over disbursements made from the DAF in addition to the investment strategy.
  4. DAF account holders can recommend single or recurring donations to charitable organizations. Funds in a DAF can only be used to support organizations that are tax-exempt 501(c)(3) and classified as public charities under 509(a).

Yes, 100% of your donation is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by US law.

Yes, after your donation payment is confirmed via your charitable sponsor, you will receive a receipt from your charitable sponsor. Additionally, you will get a receipt from Farm Sanctuary. Please allow 4-6 weeks for your paper receipt from Farm Sanctuary.

If you didn’t receive your receipt or need another copy of your receipt, please contact [email protected].

If you are interested in learning more about how you can leave a legacy by naming Farm Sanctuary as a beneficiary of your DAF, click here for more information.

If you’ve already made your gift to Farm Sanctuary, thank you! To ensure we’re able to thank you properly, please contact [email protected].

  • Support a charity you believe in through strategic giving, over time.
  • Maintain family involvement in charitable decisions.
  • Create a lasting legacy.
  • Take advantage of immediate tax benefits with the ability to distribute funds later.
  • Consolidate all your charitable giving.
  • Ensure that you meet and/or exceed standard deductions by combining donations of stock to a DAF.

We are happy to help. Please reach out via email to [email protected].