5 Tips for Hosting a Fun, Virtual, Vegan Holiday Event

Family gathered around a tablet together in the kitchen with fresh vegetables around.

Photo: Picsfive/shutterstock.com

5 Tips for Hosting a Fun, Virtual, Vegan Holiday Event

Photo: Picsfive/shutterstock.com

With the whirlwind year that 2020 has been, we could all use some fun and festive time with family and friends right now.

But with coronavirus cases on the rise again, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is advising that people avoid holiday travel this year and limit festivities to those living in the same home. Don’t dismay: If 2020 has taught us anything, it’s how to adapt. Let technology be the great connector—a virtual holiday dinner is a safe alternative to an in-person gathering. No mask required!

To help you prepare, enjoy our short and simple list of tips for hosting your own vegan Zoom holiday gathering.

1. One Meal, Multiple Kitchens

Whole Roasted Cauliflower Skillet recipe photo by Lauren Toyota of hot for food.

We recommend trying out this Whole Roasted Cauliflower Skillet recipe by Lauren Toyota of hot for food

Through the power of WiFi, you don’t have to be seated around one table with your loved ones in order to share the same holiday meal. Send around your favorite delicious vegan mains, sides, and dessert recipes to the whole crew before the big day. You can even prep the meal together virtually via Zoom, and share cooking tips, ideas, and favorite dishes along the way. (Need some recommendations? Check out our vegan holiday recipe roundup for mouthwatering inspiration). Sending a signature cocktail or mocktail recipe in advance can be fun too, and is the perfect thing to have in hand while going around the virtual table making holiday toasts.

2. Take Time to Feel Fancy

Many of us have gotten used to working from home in our PJs in recent days (no judgment). But there haven’t been many occasions to get dressed up this year—so why not put on your favorite outfit when you dial in for dinner? If you’re in the mood for something more light-hearted and casual, the sky’s the limit: dress up as your favorite movie character, sports star, comic book heroine, etc. You and your guests can even try to guess each other’s costumes, which makes for a great ice-breaker.

3. Dig Deep and Find Your Turkey Soulmate

Trade out the traditional pre-meal touch football game for something with a little less physical contact: Taking our turkey personality quiz. Go around the circle, answer the questions one by one, and find out where on the turkey spectrum you and your guests land between Jackie “The Queen” and Sandy “The Sweetheart.”

Fun Fact

Our Adopt a Turkey Program was founded in 1986.

4. Now, Make It Official

Now that you’ve determined your turkey twin, take your commitment a step further by sponsoring them through our Adopt a Turkey Project. This initiative, which began in 1986, encourages people to sponsor one of our rescued “spokesturkeys” for the holidays instead of eating one. Visit adoptaturkey.org to adopt, and then print out your adoption certificate to use as a compassionate centerpiece on your holiday table.

5. Let Our Turkeys Watch Over Your Meal

A woman in front of a turkey-themed Zoom background.

Turkey photo (background): Jo-Anne McArthur
Woman photo (foreground): insta_photos/shutterstock.com

Because we all know that virtual calls are more fun with festive backgrounds, we’ve created several featuring our rescued turkey residents enjoying life at Farm Sanctuary. And let’s face it: Who wouldn’t want to share a table with Tutu “The Charmer”?

Download the Free Backgrounds!

zip - 15MB


BONUS TIP: Not Up For Cooking This Year? You Can Always Order In.

If you don’t have the time or energy to cook this year, check local vegan restaurants in your area to see if they are offering to-go meal kits for the holiday. Considering many restaurants have been hit hard by the coronavirus pandemic, they’ll likely be thankful for your business. If you’re in the Los Angeles area, check out this list of some of our favorites.

For more vegan holiday resources, check out adoptaturkey.org.