Blippi & Meekah Visit Farm Sanctuary!

Children's show stars Blippi and Meekah pose with Farm Sanctuary President & Co-founder Gene Baur and Safran steer

Blippi & Meekah Visit Farm Sanctuary!

Blippi and Meekah, stars of mega-popular educational videos for children with more than one billion monthly views and over 36 million dedicated followers across YouTube, recently stopped by Farm Sanctuary Los Angeles and got to know a few of our happy rescued animal friends.

On their visit, Blippi (Clayton Grimm) and Meekah (Cashae Monya) met big and small farm animals, learned how we protect pigs from the sun, found out what it’s like to pet a turkey and groom a steer, helped give snacks and enrichment toys to some of our residents—and much more.

The two episodes released in July have already been viewed over 70,000 times. Watch them below!

They also talked with two of our human friends, President & Co-founder Gene Baur and Senior Wellness Manager Brooke Marshall, to learn more about the animals and why we do what we do.

“It feels very good to be able to see animals come here and enjoy their lives—and when they enjoy their lives, we enjoy our lives. It’s a beautiful thing!” Gene told Blippi and Meekah.

Blippi and Meekah reach millions of viewers worldwide, and Farm Sanctuary is thrilled that they are highlighting kindness toward farm animals—which is so often innate in young people.

The majority of children’s shows focus on working farms and products made from animals. It is an exciting departure from that tradition for a children’s show loved by so many to put a sanctuary in the spotlight, giving space to the idea that farm animals exist for their own purposes and deserve our love and care.

Thank you to everyone on the Blippi and Meekah team for featuring Farm Sanctuary and our rescued residents!