Recognizing the benefits of plant-based eating, the Farm Bill also reauthorized and increased funding for the Food Insecurity Nutrition Incentives (FINI) program, which incentivizes the purchase of fruits and vegetables by doubling the value of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) dollars when purchasing fresh produce. This program encourages the consumption of fresh produce, and it also supports the farmers who grow it. There is acknowledgement of the growing market for organic food and support for research in this arena, but also misguided support for turning factory-farm waste into energy.
Unfortunately, but unsurprisingly, these victories are the silver lining in a Farm Bill that otherwise continues to underwrite and enable factory farming through subsidies that encourage the consumption of unhealthy animal-based food in the U.S. and abroad. As usual, the dairy industry is a major beneficiary of Farm Bill programs, as well as other federal legislation promoting increased consumption of cows’ milk in schools. Too much funding goes to wealthy industrial farmers, leaving less for sustainable, plant-based operations. U.S. agricultural policy must shift toward encouraging a diversified, community-oriented, plant-based food system.