"Love is All Around" for Long-Time Farm Sanctuary Activist Mary Tyler Moore

"Love is All Around" for Long-Time Farm Sanctuary Activist Mary Tyler Moore

Mary Tyler Moore was a true—and beloved—friend of Farm Sanctuary who used her prominence as a platform from which to speak out for farm animals.

Mary Tyler Moore speaking at a news event in 2001

Mary Tyler Moore campaigns for Farm Sanctuary. Credit: Derek Goodwin

Mary lobbied on our behalf at both the state and federal level, supporting efforts to prevent factory farming cruelty, and chaired our Sentient Beings Campaign, wherein dozens of cities formally recognized farm animals as ‘sentient beings’ who deserve to be treated with respect and compassion.

I’ve always felt a connection with animals, felt that they have emotions, that they suffer as we do, that they could teach us a great deal about compassion.”

Mary Tyler Moore

Her appearance in Farm Sanctuary’s short documentary, Life Behind Bars (which she helped edit), supported the nascent successful legislative efforts to ban inhumane confinement systems, which commenced in Florida in 2002.