Neighbors & Rescuers Team Up to Save a Brave Hen, the Last of Her Flock

Meleys hen in barn at Farm Sanctuary

Neighbors & Rescuers Team Up to Save a Brave Hen, the Last of Her Flock

Meleys hen is as fierce as her namesake dragon. Her abandoned flock was nearly wiped out by coyotes—but Meleys survived. Then, a group of neighbors united to save her!

This may seem like the stuff of Hollywood magic or myth, but Meleys is truly living in sanctuary today because ordinary people chose to be heroic. It all started when a former Farm Sanctuary caregiver named Shane reached out for help.

Residents of a California apartment building noticed uncared-for chickens had shown up. When the flock grew smaller in number, they suspected the many coyotes seen in the area. 

Sadly, Meleys would be the only one left. One day, Shane and their dog—who didn’t even live in that building—spotted the lonely hen. They were in the right place, at the right time to save her.

Meleys hen in bushes before her rescue and arrival at Farm Sanctuary

Meleys hen in bushes before her rescue

But like any being, Meleys wanted to be free. She didn’t trust this kind rescuer and their good intentions, so for a while, she evaded capture. Meleys sought refuge in bushes and resisted Shane’s efforts to earn her trust—even as they patiently sat on the ground all day, reading a book by her side.

Close-up portrait of Meleys hen at Farm Sanctuary

Beautiful Meleys, after arriving at Farm Sanctuary

Most often, a rescue requires backup—more people with patience and a gentle touch.

Shane reached out to Brooke Marshall, Senior Wellness Manager at Farm Sanctuary Los Angeles, who arrived on the scene. In a moving gesture of kindness, the residents of the apartment building came to the rescue, too. Finally, Meleys was—hesitantly—in safe hands.

“Many people who lived there came out to help. It was a group endeavor,” says Brooke Marshall of Farm Sanctuary. “I was only able to catch her after she landed in a tree and I bent the branch down and grabbed her. She was so mad; she screamed and screamed. She had a lot of fight in her, but she quickly decided that humans are nice.” 

We see it time and again at Farm Sanctuary: farm animals saved from neglect or abuse experiencing compassion and care for the first time and seeing the possibilities of a new life.

Meleys first stayed at Shane’s house for nearly three weeks to await the results of her bird flu testing.

Meleys hen near dog at rescuer's apartment before coming to Farm Sanctuary

Meleys at Shane’s apartment

When Shane had to leave town due to prior plans, Meleys stayed with Brooke for five days and enjoyed meeting Brooke’s kind young son, Archie.

Meleys hen in temporary enclosure before coming to Farm Sanctuary
Child holds Meleys hen before the rescued chicken came to Farm Sanctuary

After testing for bird flu was completed, Meleys came to Farm Sanctuary, where our caregivers say she has become an adorable, friendly, and happy bird who is not only used to kind humans but also follows us around!

While she’s still adjusting to the dynamic of her new flock, Meleys is actively exploring her new home and getting to know her friends. She’s an all-around super sweet and curious girl.

Meleys hen stands in barn at Farm Sanctuary LA

She loves getting treats and mash, and now that she knows our caregivers mean kindness and food, she even hops over to the fence to get closer during visitor tours.

Thanks to the power of sanctuary, made possible by our supporters, Meleys will never experience fear or danger again.

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