Nine Reasons You Need to Visit This Humane Farm Sanctuary

Farm Sanctuary guest with Hayes steer

Nine Reasons You Need to Visit This Humane Farm Sanctuary

Looking for your next road trip?

If you want a memorable experience, consider a day at Farm Sanctuary! Located in Watkins Glen, New York, and just outside Los Angeles, California, our two sanctuaries are home to adorable rescued farm animals. 

*Please note: Advanced registration is required for tours of our New York and Los Angeles sanctuaries.

Have you planned your trip to visit us yet? If not, here are nine reasons to do it today!

1. You've never met farm animals face-to-face before.

Billions of farm animals are used for food each year, but most of us don’t get to meet a farm animal up close. Did you know that many pigs like belly rubs? Or that cows have “sandpaper” tongues just like cats and may like to show they care by “grooming” you? Spending time with farm animals is often an eye-opening experience that gives a glimpse of the sentience and social lives of little-understood beings.

Sierra Bessey sits with rescued turkeys at Farm Sanctuary

Sierra Bessey, Director of Animal Care, with rescued turkeys

2. Animal rescue stories warm your heart.

Each resilient animal who calls Farm Sanctuary home has a moving story to be told. We rescue animals from abuse and neglect, often from factory farms. Their harrowing starts in life are part of their stories, but so are their days of healing and love in our care. You’ll meet some of our inspiring residents when you visit and learn about their lives. (Like Sadie! Pictured below)

Sadie goat uses her cart to get around at Farm Sanctuary

3. You want a one-of-a-kind experience this vacation.

The beach is relaxing, and camping is fun, but visiting a farm animal sanctuary is a unique experience. At Farm Sanctuary, you’ll have the rare chance to spend quality time with individual rescued farm animals in their happy home.

Dory pig comes over for attention

4. You need some time outdoors.

Are you spending too much time working or cooped up in your house? Our New York and Los Angeles sanctuaries offer acres and acres of space and scenery. When you visit us, sit back, take a deep breath, and enjoy the sunshine like our rescued residents.

Wildflowers grow at Farm Sanctuary

5. You want to stay in a tiny house.

A tiny house for stays at Farm Sanctuary NY

Sit on your front porch and watch happy rescued pigs frolicking in a pasture. In Watkins Glen, you can enjoy the sights and sounds of sanctuary in one of our charming tiny houses this year (May-December)! Enjoy a daily complimentary vegan breakfast by Chef Gail Patak of our coming-soon cafe, The Kitchen at Farm Sanctuary. Reservations fill up fast: Book today!

6. You're feeling burnt out.

Sanctuary is restorative, not only for the animals who heal from suffering here but for the humans who visit us to get away from it all in an uplifting place. Enjoy a guided sanctuary tour and meet like-minded people for peaceful moments of compassion and community.

Birds fly over the pastures at Farm Sanctuary NY

7. Other fun activities are right nearby.

Both our sanctuaries are nestled near popular destinations with great “off-the-farm” activities. Our Watkins Glen sanctuary is in the beautiful Finger Lakes region of New York, with hiking trails, wineries, and waterfalls — even the famous Watkins Glen International Speedway. And, of course, Los Angeles boasts dazzling sights and delicious vegan food. Where else can you meet farm animals and then cruise down Sunset Boulevard?

Watkins Glen State Park

Watkins Glen State Park

8. You're looking for a great place to volunteer.

Do you want to do something to get actively involved in our work for farm animals? Please consider volunteering! We have various volunteer opportunities on-site at our sanctuaries when you visit — and if you can’t come in person, there are ways to take action from right at home, too. Apply today!

Volunteers help with hay at Farm Sanctuary

9. You love events that bring people together for a good cause.

Do you want to visit us when there’s a special event going on? We would love to welcome you as we celebrate community and compassion.

Save the date for these exciting events (details coming soon): 

  • New York:
    • July 4: Pignic
    • August 17-18: Hoedown
    • November 2: Celebration for the Turkeys 
  • Los Angeles:
    • November 16: Celebration for the Turkeys

The best way to know what’s happening now and next is to sign up for our newsletters.

Ardyn Cieslak of Farm Sanctuary reading a book to children

On a guided tour, you’ll get to meet our residents and learn their stories, plus hear the latest about Farm Sanctuary’s work to rescue, educate, and advocate (and how you can get involved). 

Plus, there’s so much to do beyond our sanctuaries’ grounds in scenic and fun locations.

Von D pig lays in the sunshine at Farm Sanctuary Los Angeles

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Books and candle and coffe mug from Farm Sanctuary's gift shop

Whether you want to browse in person at Farm Sanctuary or in our online store, you can shop to support our mission to rescue, educate, and advocate! There’s something for everyone, from clothing to mugs and candles to books and so much more.

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