That Feeling When You're So Ready for Spring

Rescued goat Tatiana peeks out of a barn at Farm Sanctuary in snowy weather

That Feeling When You're So Ready for Spring

Like us, farmed animals get tired of winter and its cold days and early sunsets!

At our upstate New York sanctuary, we face long and harsh winters, and with your support, we keep our rescued animal residents warm and comfortable through the coldest months. Still, we all get tired of winter, don’t we? 

Many of the animals (including Julie turkey) love to run and play in the snow. Others, not so much. 

Here are a few very relatable photos as we wait for spring to get here soon!

Just when it feels like winter may never end, spring comes to the rescue—and the sanctuary is filled with joy as we see happy animals going out to their (green again!) pastures.

Rescued cattle go out to lush green pasture at Farm Sanctuary NY

Hang in there. Spring’s coming! And thank you for not just being a fairweather friend to farmed animals.