This Inspiring Student Activist Is Creating a Kinder Future for People & Farm Animals

Young activist Ava Cuevas at the Animal & Vegan Advocacy Summit

This Inspiring Student Activist Is Creating a Kinder Future for People & Farm Animals

Ava Cuevas is a young activist dedicated to advocating for a just food system—one that is better for animals and people alike.

Now 17 years old, Ava has been a member of the Farm Sanctuary Youth Leadership Council (YLC) since 2021, and she inspires other students to help create a kinder future for all.

“Animal agriculture can’t be talked about without mentioning our current food system. The correlation between the two is so apparent, and the abuses within animal agriculture detrimentally affect everything, consumers included,” says Ava. “After recognizing the abuses that not only animals face, but workers, individuals living close to industrial farms, and consumers, too, I realized I couldn’t advocate for farm animals without giving recognition to all those involved.”

In May, Ava spoke at the 2024 Animal & Vegan Advocacy (AVA) Summit in Washington, DC, an international conference attended by hundreds of people from around the world. There, she and other young advocates talked about empowering youth in the vegan movement.

Our Senior Program Manager of Humane Education and a YLC advisor, Ardyn Cieslak, recently interviewed Ava about her work with Farm Sanctuary and her mission to create change.

Read the interview below (edited for clarity and length).

How did you learn about YLC, and what has prompted you to join the program each year?

I found out about the YLC through a Google search, trying to find programs for youth animal activists. I wanted to be a part of a community where others shared the same passion and morals as me. Before my first year of high school, I spent the whole summer trying to find an organization that was solely involved with youth in their efforts to create a better world for animals, people, and the environment. 

Joining the YLC set the stepping stones for my advocacy. I felt seen as a youth advocate and loved connecting with other students who shared my passion. I continued to join the program year after year because of the support from everyone, alongside the education, resources, and different opportunities students have to further their advocacy.

What skills have you gained from YLC that have helped your activism?

Through the YLC, I’ve gained crucial advocacy skills: the ability to feel comfortable and confident in speaking to crowds and using writing to bring about progress. 

After my first year as a YLC member, I wrote an LA Weekly op-ed with Farm Sanctuary, in which I expressed the importance of expanding plant-based foods in schools. This project allowed me to recognize how using personal experiences can help create change. 

The YLC has also helped me eliminate my fear of public speaking. In a safe place to learn and grow together, I began to feel comfortable sharing my thoughts and ideas with various people.

What advice would you give younger students about advocating for issues they care about?

All students, regardless of age, have a place in movements. Youth voices are not less important than any other voice, and age does not determine a person’s dedication to changing the world. 

Student’s passions don’t have to be steered away or diminished. Youth are the future of our world, and student voices play a massive role in making tomorrow a better future for all beings.

How to Empower Youth in the Vegan Movement panel at Animal & Vegan Advocacy Summit

Thank you to Ava for taking the time to share her experiences and her helpful tips for those young people just getting started on their journeys as activists.

Join the Youth Leadership Council

Are you inspired to become an activist like Ava? Join Farm Sanctuary’s Youth Leadership Council to find your community and get started!

Students aged 13-18 can apply for the 2024-25 school year by October 1, 2024.

Apply Now