Double the Joy: Twin Lambs Born at Farm Sanctuary After Mom’s Rescue

Twin lambs at Farm Sanctuary

Double the Joy: Twin Lambs Born at Farm Sanctuary After Mom’s Rescue

Rescue Date

October 12, 2023

Quick Fact

Evie’s little lambs love to run and play with Franny sheep’s lamb, Samson.


These adorable lambs have since been named Jeanne and Margaretta!

The only thing sweeter than one baby lamb: twin lambs born into the peace of sanctuary after their mother was rescued from neglect. Now, a family of three begins their lives together, with only joy and love ahead.

We have been swooning over these adorable lambs and their mama. The twins are still to be named, but don’t worry: we are lovingly calling them every affectionate nickname we can think of. Wouldn’t you?

Lamb jumping and playing at Farm Sanctuary

The future is bright for this family, but Evie sheep’s fate was once uncertain. She was among over 200 animals on a farm in Wake County, North Carolina, found by authorities, suffering and starving. Sadly, some had already died of the severe neglect they had suffered. 

Would Evie succumb to this nightmare, too, or would she endure another horrible ending: slaughter for human consumption – a fate forced up as many as two million lambs and sheep in the U.S. each year?

Thankfully, rescuers had reached Evie in time. Working with other sanctuaries, we took in 10 sheep, including this sweet ewe, bringing them to our New York sanctuary. Here, we offered them a second chance at the life they deserve.

Evie sheep at Farm Sanctuary

Evie sheep pregnant with her twins

And… we soon learned that 10 rescued sheep would become more! 

Nirva sheep gave birth overnight after being brought to the safety of sanctuary, and our caregivers were thrilled to arrive the next morning to find adorable Ashley lamb snuggled up to her mother.

As if the joy of Ashley’s birth and a mother and daughter together forever were not enough happiness, we would discover more pregnancies among the rescued sheep. Next came the birth of Samson lamb, and he is now inseparable from his doting mom, Frannie.

That wasn’t all! Evie was pregnant, too – and as she grew, no longer malnourished and uncared for now that she was with us, it soon became apparent that she could be carrying twins. 

Indeed, she delivered two precious, healthy, and happy lambs early in the morning of February 17.

“Everyone is doing well. It took a lot of hands-on work on day one to get the babies to latch and nurse – but it worked! They are healthy and perfect. They’re gaining weight every day and learning every day.”

Sierra Bessey, Farm Sanctuary's Director of Animal Care

Evie sheep with her twin lambs

Gentle and sweet, young Samson is very kind to the new twins and likes running and playing with them.

Samson lamb plays with twin lambs at Farm Sanctuary

Thanks to the support of warmhearted individuals, Farm Sanctuary, a nonprofit organization, can provide long-term care for animals like Evie, Nirva, Frannie, and their lambs – ensuring that they will never face uncertainty or danger again.

Evie sheep with her lambs

The heartbreaking truth is that most sheep and their lambs will not get to live life together like Evie and her babies. In the meat industry, lambs are forcibly taken from their mothers to be raised and killed for meat.

Evie with her lambs at Farm Sanctuary

At Farm Sanctuary, we see sheep for who they are, not what they can produce. 

Evie and her lambs are each someone, not something. You can help protect animals like them now:

Help Sheep Today

Farm Sanctuary caregiver with lamb

Farm Sanctuary is home to hundreds of residents rescued from animal agriculture, including sheep. These gentle and social animals are exploited and killed for meat, milk, and wool production. Read more about the lives of farmed sheep.

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